Jared Schachner

Research Scientist


Jared Schachner is a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Price Center for Social Innovation. As a sociologist of stratification in cities, neighborhoods, and schools, his research examines how these three urban ecologies mediate the intergenerational transmission of skills and status. This agenda, which draws on urban sociology, inequality/stratification, sociology of education, social policy, and quantitative/spatial analysis, has generated funding from the National Science Foundation and Joint Center for Housing Studies, recognition from the American Sociological Association’s Sociology of Education section, and publications in several academic journals, including: Social Forces, Demography, Journal of Health & Social Behavior, American Educational Research Journal, Annual Review of Sociology, Urban Affairs Review, and RSF Journal of the Social Sciences.

His research agenda is organized around three key streams. The first stream examines how parental cognition, depression, and information access interact with race, class, and nativity factors to shape neighborhood and school sorting patterns in the contemporary American city. The second probes the intergenerational consequences of these sorting processes more deeply, clarifying what particular neighborhood and school factors drive their causal effects on children’s cognitive, socioemotional, and physical development. And the third considers how public policies at the city, state, and federal level moderate these two processes: i.e., contextual sorting and contextual effects. At Price, he is continuing all three workstreams through research-practice partnerships with HPRI and Southern California school districts, as well as ongoing collaborations with the UChicago Consortium on School Research.

Jared began his work with the UChicago Consortium on School Research prior to his arrival at Price, when he was a Postdoctoral Scholar/Mansueto Fellow affiliated with the Mansueto Institute for Urban Innovation and Department of Sociology at the University of Chicago. Before UChicago, he received his Ph.D. in Sociology & Social Policy from Harvard University, attended Harvard’s Kennedy School, consulted several national nonprofits including the United Negro College Fund and Audubon Society on their social impact strategies, and completed a B.A. in Philosophy, Politics & Economics and Urban Studies at the University of Pennsylvania.

He grew up in Los Angeles, and much of his current research examines stratification processes within his hometown. For a recent example of his L.A.-based research, see his open-access Social Forces article entitled, “Racial Stratification and School Segregation in the Suburbs: Evidence from Los Angeles County.” Read his full bio on his personal website here, https://www.jaredschachner.com/.


Toxic Neighborhoods: The Effects of Concentrated Poverty and Environmental Lead Contamination on Early Childhood Development