10th Anniversary Social Innovation Summit & Fireside Chat with Sec. Julián Castro
USC CampusOn April 27th, 2022, the USC Sol Price Center for Social Innovation will host its 10th Anniversary Social Innovation Summit and fireside chat. This event will serve as the culminating event in the USC Price Center for Social Innovation’s 10th … Continue reading
NDSC Virtual Community Training 5/18
ZoomNDSC research staff host free monthly trainings, the 3rd Wednesday of every month, to teach the public about our Neighborhood Map - a digital tool that provides access to reliable, aggregated data at the neighborhood level. Join us next on … Continue reading
Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR) 2022 Spring Policy Forum: Homelessness in California
StanfordMore than 160,000 Californians are without housing — a number close to the populations of Salinas or Hayward. Despite the billions of government and private dollars spent to prevent homelessness, that number continues to rise in California while it dips … Continue reading
HPRI Symposium: Unsheltered Homelessness
ZoomPerhaps the most discussed issue related to homelessness is unsheltered homelessness. People experiencing street homelessness have an increased risk of adverse health outcomes and, potentially, death. From April 2020 to March 2021 alone, 1,988 unhoused individuals died in Los Angeles … Continue reading
HPRI Symposium: Moving Toward an Anti-Racist System for Ending and Preventing Homelessness: Health Equity
USC Davidson Conference Center - Vineyard Room 3409 S. Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, CAHealth and wellbeing sit at the core of a person’s ability to live life as they see fit. Whether an injury that hinders a person’s ability to work and earn an income or disability that makes traveling to various appointments … Continue reading
HPRI Symposium: High Cost Housing Areas on the West Coast
ZoomHousing costs have risen nationally every single year for a decade, with the trend finally breaking in September of 2022 (Gopal). Nowhere was this painful trend more evident than along the West Coast where housing markets in Los Angeles, San … Continue reading
HPRI Research Seminar: Coordinated Entry in Seattle
ZoomPlease join us 6/13 from 9-11AM for a virtual HPRI Research Seminar featuring some of our esteemed research partners – Sam Tsemberis, Molly Brown, and Rachel Fyall! The research team will be presenting and discussing their 2019 study case study of … Continue reading
HPRI Symposium: Understanding Older Adult Homelessness
USC Vineyard Room, Lower Level of Davidson Continuing Education Center 3409 S. Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, CA, United StatesPlease RSVP Here: Older adults who experience, or are at risk of, homelessness are a uniquely vulnerable population. The elderly are not only naturally more susceptible to many maladies, including disease, mental health disorders, physical injuries and disabilities (World Health … Continue reading
HPRI Symposium: Encampment Resolution Strategies
ZoomRegister for the Zoom link: As the cost of housing continues to rise across the United States, homelessness remains a growing issue in nearly all areas of the country (NAEH). In urban areas, this struggle is often visually and … Continue reading
HPRI Symposium: Improving Coordinated Entry Systems
ZoomRegister for the Zoom Link: The implementation of Coordinated Entry Systems (CES) has become a common feature across the country, particularly after the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) required the use of such systems for its … Continue reading
HPRI Symposium: Guaranteed Income
ZoomRegister for the Zoom Link: While guaranteed income and cash transfer programs have existed in other portions of the world, such as Latin America, since the 1980s (Fotta and Schmidt, 2023), the discussion of Universal Basic Income in … Continue reading
HPRI Symposium: LA County Women’s Needs Assessment
ZoomRegister for the Zoom Link: Los Angeles County Women’s Needs Assessment: Findings and recommendations from the 2022 Survey of Women Experiencing Homelessness. In 2020, both the City and County of Los Angeles County identified “unaccompanied” women experiencing homelessness … Continue reading
HPRI Symposium: American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) Homelessness
ZoomRegister for the Zoom Link: The American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) Homelessness Symposium will bring together leaders, scholars, and advocates to discuss Indigenous homelessness through the lenses of innovative legal frameworks, human rights, Indigenous conceptions of home/belonging, … Continue reading