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Research Catalogue
Research Agenda
About HPRI
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Past Events
HPRI Past Events
HPRI Symposium: American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) Homelessness
HPRI Symposium: LA County Women’s Needs Assessment
HPRI Symposium: Guaranteed Income
HPRI Race Equity Committee Retreat
HPRI Symposium: Improving Coordinated Entry Systems
HPRI Symposium: Encampment Resolution Strategies
HPRI Symposium: Understanding Older Adult Homelessness
Moving Toward an Anti-Racist System for Ending and Preventing Homelessness: Latinx Homelessness
HPRI Symposium: High Cost Housing Areas on the West Coast
HPRI Symposium: Moving Toward an Anti-Racist System for Ending and Preventing Homelessness: Health Equity
HPRI Symposium: Unsheltered Homelessness
HPRI Symposium: Substance Use Disorder & Homelessness
Unhoused: Addressing Homelessness During and After the Pandemic
HPRI Virtual Research Symposium: “Improving Homelessness Outreach”
HPRI Virtual Research Symposium: “International Solutions to Homelessness”
HPRI Symposium: Older Adults Experiencing Homelessness
HPRI Symposium: Separate yet Connected: Experiences of Intimate Partner Violence and Homelessness in Los Angeles County during COVID-19
HPRI Symposium: COVID-19 Economic Recovery and Homelessness Prevention
HPRI Virtual Research Symposium: K-12 Student Homelessness
HPRI Symposium: Student Homelessness in Los Angeles
Housing the Unsheltered: Lessons for the Current Pandemic
Accelerating Permanent Supportive Housing
Stemming the Rise of Latino Homelessness
Predictive Analytics for Homelessness Prevention
Unhoused: Addressing Homelessness in California