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    Denver Basic Income Project Year One Qualitative Evaluation Report

    Denver Basic Income Project

    Year: 2024

    Denver Basic Income Project(DBIP) is a 12-month guaranteed income project designed for 820 adults experiencing homelessness in Denver, Colorado. In October 2022, eligible DBIP applicants were randomly assigned to one of three payment groups:

    Qualitative Research Objectives
    Per DBIP research objectives, the qualitative component of the project seeks:
    1. To understand the stories and narratives of people who are unhoused and participating in DBIP to tell us about the process and impact of guaranteed basic income.

    2. To identify and improve critical program elements to successfully delivering a guaranteed basic income to people experiencing homelessness.

    For the qualitative component of the DBIP research study, we conducted 49 total
    interviews. Twenty-five interviews were conducted at approximately three to four
    months into their DBIP experience (Time 1) and 24 interviews were conducted at
    approximately ten to eleven months into their DBIP experience (Time 2). We were able to
    conduct Time 2 interviews with 23 of the same participants that participated in Time 1
    interviews. We interviewed 1 new participant at Time 2.

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