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    Expert Perspectives on Service User Transitions Within and From Homeless Service Programs

    Housing Policy Debate

    Year: 2020

    This study describes expert perspectives on service user transitions within and from homeless service programs. Semi-structured qualitative interviews were conducted with subject matter experts (SMEs) who had practice or research experience regarding transitional supports in homeless services. Interviews were analyzed using rapid assessment procedures that allowed for the categorization and characterization of targeted interview domains. Findings indicate that assessment is a critical, but underspecified, aspect of transitional programs in homeless services. SMEs viewed assessments for transition readiness as goal-setting opportunities and said that frequency of assessment is best individualized to the person. Transitional supports, including housing navigation and peer support, were viewed as important elements of successful programs. SMEs further noted that opportunities for eventual transition from the program should be communicated to service users early on and that having an organizational culture that embraces service user transitions was critical, highlighting the importance of shifting culture around transitions in homeless services.

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