Latinx people experiencing homelessness, a rapidly growing population, accounted for 36% of the homeless population in the Los Angeles Continuum of Care in 2019. Due to a unique combination of challenges, including language barriers, culturally rooted stigmas, a lack of trust in homeless services, and issues related to immigration status, Latinx people experiencing homelessness are less likely to be enrolled in public benefits programs and to engage with service providers than other racial/ethnic groups. Institutional barriers to service receipt for Latinx people experiencing homelessness include service provider capacity issues, confusing and lengthy intake processes, lack of cultural competence and Spanish-speaking staff, and paperwork that asks about immigration status. This report examines the demographics of the Latinx population experiencing homelessness in Los Angeles, considers the barriers to service that this population faces, and makes recommendations to service providers in order to help clients navigate these barriers.
Latinx Homelessness in Los Angeles
Homelessness Policy Research Institute
Year: 2020