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    Workforce Re-Entry Barriers for Black Angelenos with Lived-Experience of Homelessness

    Homelessness Policy Research Institute

    Year: 2024

    Black Angelenos experiencing homelessness face additional barriers compared to White Angelenos in education, employment, healthcare, the criminal justice system, and housing opportunities. The inequitable access to social services and the prominence of racial discrimination are significant factors in the inadequacy of employment opportunities for those Black Angelenos with lived experience of homelessness. While this brief will focus on employment barriers, it is imperative to understand the interconnected nature of these areas and the significant role institutional racism plays in the disproportionate overrepresentation of Black Angelenos experiencing homelessness.

    Although Black Angelenos represent only 8% of the LA County population, they account for 31% of the total population experiencing homelessness (LAHSA 2023). Institutional racism and racially discriminatory practices have made critical impacts on the severe over-representation of Black Angelenos experiencing homelessness. In attempting to reduce the rate of homelessness in LA County, consistent and sustainable employment is an important factor to prevent those with lived experience from re-entering housing insecurity or homelessness. By identifying and understanding employment barriers for those with lived experience, decision-makers can shape policy to address the key areas where improvements are needed.

    Despite these workforce obstacles, many Angelenos experiencing homelessness actively seek employment opportunities and economic advancement. Their lived experience provides them with unique insights and knowledge that could greatly benefit the Los Angeles County workforce. 

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