The merits of permanent supportive housing (PSH) initiatives as a first resort have been evaluated in a multitude of modern studies and reviews. Various outcomes, including housing stability and cost savings, have been tested and analyzed. Cost savings literature for PSH has shown mixed results over status quo services and supports; however, when targeted toward particularly high-needs groups and older adults, PSH programs indicate the potential for significant public savings.
In addition to cost savings, a renewed focus on PSH for older adults is timely and beneficial. When compared to individuals under 55 years of age, older adults are less likely to be awarded PSH units even though they consume a higher amount of the public healthcare expenditure. Data indicates that the population of unhoused older adults is steadily growing through at least 2030, and PSH selection is marked by racial disparities.
Though the literature for PSH is the most robust, there are alternative pathways to transition unhoused and housing-insecure older adults into secure housing. The diverse needs of this population require a diverse array of housing models to remain stably housed. This array includes rapid rehousing, housing vouchers, rental subsidies, and geriatric training in case management. Relative to the growth of the older adult population, however, the scale of these models is lacking.