Research Catalogue

The HPRI Research Catalogue includes current research conducted by HPRI as well as HPRI members from partner institutions. Search by topic, research type, author, or title to review specific works.

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Housing for Health

Rand Corporation

Year: 2017

A Los Angeles County program provides supportive housing coupled with case management to those experiencing homelessness and was associated with sharp reductions in health care use by program participants. Across all the public services examined, the cost of services for … Continue reading

No digital divide? Technology use among homeless adults

Journal of Social Distress and the Homeless

Year: 2017

Homeless adults experience increased risk of negative health outcomes, and technology-based interventions may provide an opportunity for improving health in this population. However, little is known about homeless adults’ technology access and use. Utilizing data from a study of 421 … Continue reading

Provider perceptions on HIV risk and prevention services within permanent supportive housing


Year: 2017

Permanent supportive housing (PSH) is an evidence-based solution to homelessness for persons experiencing chronic or long-term homelessness and one or more physical or behavioral health problems. Health services through PSH typically focus on physical and behavioral health. With the exception … Continue reading

Examining the health status of homeless adults entering permanent supportive housing

Journal of Public Health

Year: 2017

Permanent supportive housing (PSH) has been recognized as an effective intervention and the national policy for addressing chronic homelessness in the United States. Due to an aging cohort of homeless adults and prioritizing those who are most vulnerable for housing, … Continue reading

Evaluation of Housing for Health Permanent Supportive Housing Program

Rand Corporation

Year: 2017

Housing for Health (HFH), a division within the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services (DHS), was established to provide supportive housing to DHS patients with complex medical and behavioral health issues who were experiencing homelessness. HFH goals are to … Continue reading

Availability of Comprehensive Services in Permanent Supportive Housing in Los Angeles

Health and Social Care in the Community

Year: 2017

Studies have often described a specific model or models of permanent supportive housing (PSH), yet few studies have systematically examined what services are typically offered to PSH tenants in any given service system and how those services are offered. Using … Continue reading

Report and Recommendations of the Ad Hoc Committee on Women & Homelessness

Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority

Year: 2017

This report is intended to inform policymakers, service providers, and other stakeholders about the findings and recommendations of the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA) Ad Hoc Committee on Women & Homelessness, created to confront the issue of rising homelessness … Continue reading

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