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The Road, Home: Challenges of and Responses to Homelessness in State Transportation Environments
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives
Year: 2023
In recent decades, homelessness has become an increasingly major challenge in the U.S., reaching about half million unhoused people. Many of them seek shelter in settings such as freeways, underpasses, and rest areas. State departments of transportation (DOTs) are responsible … Continue reading
“It Is Our Problem!”: Strategies for Responding to Homelessness on Transit
Transportation Research Record
Year: 2023
Buses, bus stops, trains, and train platforms represent sites of shelter for many of the over 500,000 Americans who are unhoused every night. This study seeks to understand how transit agencies are responding to them. Based on interviews with staff … Continue reading
Digital Health Intervention for People Experiencing Homelessness
Center for Community Health and Evaluation
Year: 2023
This report presents the preliminary findings of an independent evaluation of Samaritan, a digital health intervention designed to assist people experiencing homelessness (PEH) in gaining the social and financial support they need to reach their goals. California Healthcare Foundation (CHCF), … Continue reading
Unconditional Cash Transfers Reduce Homelessness
Year: 2023
Homelessness is an economic and social crisis. In a cluster-randomized controlled trial, we address a core cause of homelessness—lack of money—by providing a one-time unconditional cash transfer of CAD$7,500 to each of 50 individuals experiencing homelessness, with another 65 as … Continue reading
A Qualitative Exploration of Frontline Homeless Service Worker Experiences during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Journal of Social Service Research
Year: 2023
Research has illustrated how homeless service organizations have adjusted policies and services during the COVID-19 pandemic and how frontline workers have taken on the work of implementing new procedures, fine-tuning service strategies, and navigating challenges. This qualitative study sought to … Continue reading
Mobility-Related Barriers to Accessing Homeless Services: Implications for Continuums of Care and Coordinated Entry
Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research
Year: 2023
Objective: Geographic mobility, or transience, is relatively common among people experiencing homelessness. However, little is known about whether mobility facilitates or impedes service access. The present research uses a lens of bureaucratic disentitlement and administrative burden to explore the intersection … Continue reading
Deploying Social Innovation Models for Anti-Racist Practices: Lessons from Homelessness Research in Los Angeles
Currents: Journal of Diversity Scholarship for Social Change
Year: 2023
Racism is a primary driver of homelessness (National Alliance for Ending Homelessness, 2019; Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority, 2018). Across the United States, Black Americans are more likely to experience homelessness than white Americans, and the Los Angeles region is no … Continue reading
Racial Injustice in Homelessness and Housing in the United States
National Homelessness Law Center
Year: 2023
In the United States (“U.S.”), homelessness is deeply intertwined with racism. As such, the criminalization of homelessness is fundamentally a racial issue. Despite only constituting approximately 12% of the general population in the U.S., Black people account for 37% of … Continue reading
Slavery as a Cause and Consequence of Homelessness in the United States
National Homelessness Law Center
Year: 2023
Managing High-risk Behaviours and Challenges to Prevent Housing Loss in Permanent Supportive Housing: A Rapid Review
Harm Reduction Journal
Year: 2023
Permanent supportive housing is an efective intervention for stably housing most people experiencing home-lessness and mental illness who have complex support needs. However, high-risk behaviours and challenges are prevalent among this population and have the potential to seriously harm health … Continue reading