Research Catalogue

The HPRI Research Catalogue includes current research conducted by HPRI as well as HPRI members from partner institutions. Search by topic, research type, author, or title to review specific works.

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Permanent Supportive Housing: Addressing Homelessness and Health Disparities?

American Journal of Public Health

Year: 2013

Permanent supportive housing (PSH) is an intervention to address long-term homelessness. Evidence has resulted in a shift in US policy toward using PSH rather than shelters and transitional housing. Despite recognizing that individuals transitioning from homelessness to PSH experience a … Continue reading

The 2012 Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR) to Congress Part 1: Point-in-Time Estimates of Homelessness

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development: Office of Community Planning and Development

Year: 2012

The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) releases the Annual Homeless Assessment Report to Congress (AHAR) in two parts. Part 1 provides Point-in-Time (PIT) estimates, offering a snapshot of homelessness—both sheltered and unsheltered— on a single night. The one-night … Continue reading

Los Angeles County’s Enterprise Linkages Project: An Example of the Use of Integrated Data Systems in Making Data-Driven Policy and Program Decisions

California Journal of Politics and Policy

Year: 2012

Governments at all levels are tasked with administering public programs that serve large numbers of people. The use of integrated data systems (IDS), which can be used to link administrative records from multiple public agencies into one database, offer a … Continue reading

Keeping the Lights On: How Government Funding Concerns Drive the Advocacy Agendas of Nonprofit Homeless Service Providers

Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory

Year: 2012

Human service nonprofits have historically played an important role in advocating on behalf of the vulnerable populations that they serve. Growth in privatization has led many scholars and practitioners to wonder if increased dependence on government funds would compromise this … Continue reading

Collaboration, Public-Private Intermediary Organizations, and the Transformation of Advocacy in the Field of Homeless Services

Ameican Review of Public Administration

Year: 2012

Participation in collaborative advocacy organizations is one of the most common advocacy tactics pursued by nonprofit organizations. However, field-level dynamics and norms around collaboration may be changing with the growth of public-private intermediary organizations. Using a lens that brings together … Continue reading

Project 50: The Cost Effectiveness of the Permanent Supportive Housing Model in the Skid Row Section of Los Angeles County

County of Los Angeles Chief Executive Office Service Integration Branch

Year: 2012

The purpose of this report is to provide the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors with information on the cost effectiveness of Project 50, a program created by action of the Board and funded by the County’s Homeless Prevention Initiative … Continue reading

Homeless but Connected: The Role of Heterogeneous Social Network Ties and Social Networking Technology in the Mental Health Outcomes of Street-Living Youth

Community Mental Health Journal

Year: 2011

Although social integration tends to have positive effects on the mental health of housed adolescents, the role of homeless adolescents’ social networks is more ambiguous. Social network data were collected from 136 homeless adolescents in Hollywood, California to examine how … Continue reading

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